Randy Orton Got Heat In WWE For Bringing Girls Backstage

Randy Orton has been with WWE for decades at this point, and he matured in front of the entire world. He was young and caused a bit of trouble in WWE at first, but The Viper soon found his way. That didn’t come without a bit of heat because he was too much of a ladies man.

During Randy Orton’s early days in WWE, he was known for having a less-than-stellar attitude. It turns out that he was often paired with Kevin Nash on the road. This led to some very interesting stories.

During the Kliq This podcast, Kevin Nash recalled how Orton and Mark Jindrak would hook up with women between shows, sometimes even bringing them backstage at WWE events. However, Nash explained that Orton’s decision to involve women behind the scenes was not well-received by everyone.

According to Kevin Nash, the issue wasn’t that Randy Orton was bringing women backstage, but rather that he was doing so without asking permission, and some thought that he disrespected their space. While Nash didn’t feel disrespected by Orton’s behavior, he understood why others might have taken offense.

“I just remember him and Jindrak were good buddies, and I was like the driver; I had those two young f*ckers with me. And they were getting ass everywhere! I mean, those two, and they would talk about it. They would come into the locker room. They would bring the broads to the f*cking arenas, and they were hot smoking! There would be like two hot smoking girls in the back sitting somewhere, and people would go like, ‘Who are they?’ ‘They are with Jindrak and Orton.'”

“And it got so much heat on Randy and Jindrak from the old guys. It wasn’t because it was disrespectful or anything; it was because it was such sweet ass.”

WWE Superstars get a lot of attention in the ring and on television. Sometimes they let that get a bit out of hand, especially when women are in the picture.

Randy Orton grew up a lot, and he doesn’t live that life anymore. He is married and has a family at home, but there was once a time when he was single and very ready to mingle. That also caused him a bit of heat backstage from wrestlers who probably didn’t want to see the dimes he was associating with on the road.

What’s your take on this situation with Randy Orton getting heat? Would you have been upset with him too? Sound off in the comments!
