Mykelti Padron is following in the footsteps of her siblings Gwen and Paedon by publicly commenting about her family. She’s released a livestream on her Patreon account addressing many of the Sister Wives controversies. One of the things she touched on was the former marriage between Meri and her father Kody Brown.
Mykelti alleges that Meri and Kody’s marriage have been “emotionally and verbally” abusive, but never physically abusive.
“They weren’t physically abusive. There was no hitting. They never hit each other. That’s not dad. That’s never been Dad,” Mykelti says. “Verbally, emotionally? I think that’s both of them in their relationship. I think they were both unhappy in their marriage, and they might have been emotionally and verbally abusive to each other.”
Although she says they “might” have emotionally and verbally abused each other, Mykelti goes on to say that she “knows if for a fact” because she’s “seen them do it to each other. There is a two-way street when it comes to the abuse that that personal relationship had.”
Mykelti blames Meri for the demise of Kody and Meri’s marriage because she gave up first by cheating on Kody. Meri thought she was in an online relationship with a man, but it turned out to be a catfish who exposed their private conversations to the world.
“When you cheat on someone, you’re giving up first,” Mykelti reasons. “If you’re going to cheat on your spouse, you’re giving up on the relationship first. It’s unfair for her to get mad at Dad when she gave up. She threw the towel in. She said, ‘I’m done.’ She cheated first.”
In the past Kody has claimed that Meri “deceived” him well before the catfish situation. It’s unclear what he meant by that, but Mykelti’s opinion about their relationship adds a touch more detail to the entire picture of Kody and Meri’s troubled marriage.
It’s been no secret since the start of Sister Wives that Meri’s relationship with Kody’s second wife Janelle was toxic from the start. Kody has often credited Christine with “saving” the plural marriage when she joined the family as a third wife.
“Earlier it was said that — it was ‘theorized’ — that Meri was abrasive and something else. And I said that those two words were not harsh enough and not advanced enough,” Paedon said during the interview. “Abrasive is not enough of a word to explain what Meri was to a few of us children, specifically … It moves so far past verbal. Verbal basically stopped existing.”
Last week Paedon Brown participated in a 3 hour interview where he made some vague allegations about Meri’s behavior towards the kids. “Earlier it was said that, it was ‘theorized,’ that Meri was abrasive and something else. And I said that those two words were not harsh enough and not advanced enough,” Paedon said. “Abrasive is not enough of a word to explain what Meri was to a few of us children, specifically itt moves so far past verbal. Verbal basically stopped existing.”
Since this interview, the online Sister Wives community have speculated wildly about what he was implying by “far past verbal.”
Paedon’s sister Gwen has since spoken out against Paedon, calling him the “most awful” she’s ever known and accusing him of being abusive. She asked her audience not to listen to him. Gwen has also spoken about Meri, noting that Gwen found her to be “scary” when Gwen was a kid and that she only witnessed Meri get physical with one child growing up: Mykelti.