Philadelphia Police have identified 19-year-old Robert Edmond Davis as the suspected killer of journalist and advocate Josh Kruger, who died on Monday, October 2, 2023, from multiple gunshot wounds.
Police, who described the suspect as armed and dangerous, said that an arrest warrant was issued for Robert Edmond Davis on charges of murder and related crimes.
Josh Kruger was a 39-year-old journalist and rights advocate who was shot multiple times in his home, located in Philadelphia’s Point Breeze neighborhood. Kruger, who reportedly stumbled out of his home to seek help after he was shot seven times in the chest and abdomen, was found passed out on the sidewalk. He was rushed to a nearby hospital, where he later died.
In a press conference on Friday, October 6, 2023, Philadelphia police homicide unit Lt. Hamilton Marshmond urged civilians with information about Josh Kruger’s suspected killer Robert Edmond Davis’ whereabouts to call the police.
“Mr. Davis is considered armed and dangerous,” Marshmond said. “We are asking the public if anyone sees Mr. Davis, or if anyone knows the whereabouts of Mr. Davis, to please contact 911. We are also asking Mr. Davis to surrender himself to the police.”Police who described the suspect as an acquaintance of the victim said that they believed Kruger was helping Davis, who was a youth experiencing homelessness, as the award-winning journalist was known to assist those struggling in the community. However, the Advocate, citing an anonymous police source, reported that the suspect was seemingly in a relationship with the victim.
In the news conference, Marshmond said that he suspects Robert Edmond Davis was living with the victim at the time of the killing. While the potential motive for the incident is unclear, police said they were confident Davis was the murderer as he was caught in surveillance video leaving the victim’s home shortly after the incident. The suspect was described as 5'5" and 160 pounds with a last known address on South Ringgold Street near the intersection with Tasker.
Josh Kruger, a respected journalist and an LGBTQ+ activist, reportedly covered issues plaguing the gay community, frequently relating his struggles with homelessness and addiction. Kruger, who wrote for the Inquirer, The Philadelphia Citizen and Advocate, among many websites, also worked for public office, including Mayor Jim Kenney as a content and communications director for the city’s Office of Homeless Services.
In a statement on Monday Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner paid tribute to the late journalist for his work as an activist.
“Josh Kruger lifted up the most vulnerable and stigmatized people in our communities ― particularly unhoused people living with addiction. As an openly queer writer who wrote about his own journey surviving substance use disorder and homelessness, it was encouraging to see Josh join the Kenney administration as a spokesperson for the Office of Homeless Services.”Kruger continued to work with people experiencing homelessness and addiction problems until his death.
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