Christopher Lee Ivory (born March 22, 1988) is a running back in the National Football League for the New York Jets (NFL). In 2010, the New Orleans Saints signed him as an undrafted free agent. He attended Washington State University and Tiffin University for collegiate football.
Chris Ivory Net Worth : $ 8 Million
Lets check out updated 2021 Chris Ivory Net Worth Income Salary report which is given below :
Chris Ivory’s Salary / Income:
Per Year: $ 4,00,000
Per Month: $ 32,000
Per Week: $ 8,000
Per Day: | Per Hour: | Per Minute: | Per Second: |
$ 1140 | $ 19 | $ 0.3 | $ 0.05 |
Chris Ivory FAQ
- How did Chris Ivory get so rich?
- What is Chris Ivory Earning per day ?
- Lets check out Chris Ivory Wife / Husand Net Worth ?
- How much does Chris Ivory make per day?
- How much Chris Ivory Net Worth ?
- How Chris Ivory become rich ?
- How does Chris Ivory make money ?
- What is Chris Ivory Income ?
- How much Chris Ivory Salary ?
- How old is Chris Ivory Age ?
- How tall is Chris Ivory Height ?