Beth Greene attempts to find her first real drink of alcohol in the dark. ” Still ” is the twelfth episode of the fourth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, which aired on AMC on March 2, 2014. The episode was written by Angela Kang and directed by Julius Ramsay .
Kinney addressed the Beth and Daryl pairing in a November appearance on the Talk Dead to Me podcast, where the actress was asked if a potential “Bethyl” romance was shot down by the same bullet that killed Beth in fifth season episode “Coda.” “I just viewed it as a bond.
The Walking Dead star Emily Kinney admits to feeling nervous about a standalone episode partnering Beth with Daryl (Norman Reedus) in the zombie drama’s fourth season.
He drags Beth out to where a walker is approaching, and uses his crossbow to pin it to a tree; he then tries to teach Beth how to use the crossbow to kill it but Beth insists on using her knife. The two begin to argue, Daryl calling Beth a “dumb college girl”, while Beth accuses Daryl of not caring anymore.
Defending themselves from walkers while working through the corpses in the pro shop and clubhouse, they eventually make it to the bar, where Beth finds a half-filled bottle of peach schnapps.
The two begin to argue, Daryl calling Beth a “dumb college girl”, while Beth accuses Daryl of not caring anymore. Daryl breaks down, believing himself responsible for Hershel’s death as he had failed to kill The Governor when he had a chance. Beth embraces Daryl as he cries.
They leave the clubhouse for a rundown house Daryl had found earlier while with Michonne. After securing the area, Daryl brings out a case of moonshine for Beth. Beth is hesitant, as her father had told her that the wrong kind of moonshine could make her go blind. Daryl assures her this is good moonshine.
After some days of traveling, Beth tells Daryl she wants to take a drink of alcohol, something her father Hershel refused to allow her to do. Daryl doesn’t respond, and she storms off on her own, but runs into a group of walkers. Daryl races to rescue her, though Beth complains she could take care of herself. As they travel, they come to a country club. Defending themselves from walkers while working through the corpses in the pro shop and clubhouse, they eventually make it to the bar, where Beth finds a half-filled bottle of peach schnapps. She asks Daryl if it’s a good thing to drink and he says “No.” Daryl then takes and smashes the bottle, telling her it is no good and that if she is going to have a first drink, it needs to be something better than that.
Still ( The Walking Dead) Still (. The Walking Dead. ) Beth Greene attempts to find her first real drink of alcohol in the dark. ” Still ” is the twelfth episode of the fourth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, which aired on AMC on March 2, 2014.
The Walking Dead (season 4) List of episodes. ” Still ” is the twelfth episode of the fourth season of the post-apocalyptic horror television series The Walking Dead, which aired on AMC on March 2, 2014. The episode was written by Angela Kang and directed by Julius Ramsay .
Daryl Dixon ( Norman Reedus) and Beth Greene ( Emily Kinney) explore the woods, coming across a country club and an old cabin Daryl had previously discovered, where they drink moonshine and learn more personal information about each other.