Climbing Up Walls Lyrics Meaning


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Feb 23rd 2011 !⃝

"So lock the kids up safe tonight
And shut the eyes in the cupboard.
I've got the smell of a local man
Who's got the loneliest feeling."

This is where the song turns a little bit, as we (being addressed as society in general) see fear's process of stalking it's prey. "So lock the kids up safe tonight" because something's about to happen that you don't want them to see. The "eyes in the cupboard" refer to the kids' eyes, supposing that you've hid them away in a cupboard. He probably used this image because it's common in movies. While the bad guy's wandering around the house looking for them, the kids are shown hiding away quietly someplace like a cupboard. So fear is eyeing his next victim, a lonely local man. The song closes on the chorus that's already been analyzed previously.
