Natalie Portman gained weight for Thor, right? Inside actress’s 10-month diet and exercise schedule
Natalie Portman
When the first Thor: Love and Thunder promotional videos debuted, people were astounded by Natalie Portman’s transformation into the Mighty Thor. In truth, Portman is far shorter than that, being barely 5 feet 3 inches tall. She had to play Mighty Thor, who in the film is about 6 feet tall.
The 41-year-old actress had moreover put on a lot of weight for the part of a physicist turned superhero. Portman did not need to put on the muscle for her previous role as Dr. Jane Foster in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but because of Love and Thunder’s transformation of her character from a mortal to a superhero, she had to physically fit the bill. For her part, the actress had to put in 10 months of training and adhere to a stringent high-protein diet.
Portman’s trainer Naomi Pendergast provided further information about how she achieved her muscular appearance for Thor: Love and Thunder in an interview with Us Weekly. Pendergast went on to discuss the steps the actress had to take in order to accomplish her aim of gaining weight.
Natalie Portman discussed the disparity in her physical appearance in the 2010 Oscar-winning film Black Swan and Thor: Love and Thunder in an interview with Variety last month. She stated to the media:
“On ‘Black Swan,’ I was instructed to shrink as much as I could. I was told to grow as much as I could here. That’s an incredible challenge — and also a woman’s mental state.
She added further:
You think, “Oh, this must be so different, to walk through the world like this,” when you have this emotion and are perceived as significant.
In the meantime, Natalie Portman’s trainer Naomi Pendergast revealed how one of the initial goals of her exercise regimen was to build up the definition in the actress’ arms and abs in an interview with Us Weekly.
As Natalie had a number of dynamic stunt scenes that needed her to move, twist, and land in various positions, “we also worked on stability and agility for injury prevention. I was also quite happy that she avoided getting hurt during the difficult stunt process. Diet of Portman
The trainer talked about how the actress needed to consistently work out for about two hours throughout the interview. As previously noted, the workout could, on occasion, go for about 90 minutes. Natalie Portman carefully monitored her calorie intake to prevent losing the majority of her muscle gains.
The actor is vegan, therefore her nutrition also needed extra consideration. Because she was a vegan, she needed to eat a lot of plant-based protein in order to keep her muscles in shape. Animal-based diets typically contain more protein, which makes it simpler to maintain muscular gains, making this much more challenging. The actress, according to Naomi Pendergast, augmented her daily protein intake with many servings of protein drinks.
The trainer went on to say that Natalie Portman typically eats “oats and berries with a protein smoothie” for breakfast. Added her:
She would eat fruit, almonds, and salads for snacks throughout the day.
She would eat vegan falafel for lunch once again along with a protein shake, then vegan curry for supper.
The actress exercised for 10 months, according to the RPX Fitness director, to mimic Mighty Thor’s on-screen physique. The warm-up exercises Portman performed during her workouts included marching arms for 30 seconds, lat stretches for 30 seconds, beast crawls for 30 seconds, roll-down walkouts for 10 repetitions, and more.
She also worked her arms with a variety of dumbbell-based exercises including banded pull-ups. These featured tricep press, Arnold press, and dumbbell bicep curls.
It is evident from the film’s and even the on-set images that Natalie Portman engaged in weight-based training to sculpt her arm muscles. Portman added boxing and skipping to her exercise regimen in addition to these exercises. Through these exercises, the actress was able to resemble Mighty Thor, an Asgardian-like superhero who in the comics weighed ov